Shock your system. Supercharge your recovery

Ask us about our cold water immersion therapy in Bangor, ME

Submerging your body in ice-cold water might not sound appealing, but you’ll soon change your mind when you hear all the benefits. Bodi Bar offers cold water immersion therapy that can help speed up your muscle recovery, increase your circulation, boost your endorphins and improve the appearance of your skin. It can also help you build mental resilience by teaching your mind to tolerate discomfort.


Are you interested in experiencing the benefits of a cold plunge for yourself? Visit our facility in Bangor, ME today.






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The wakeup call your body needs

Cold water immersion therapy is an intense yet exhilarating experience. Here’s what you can expect:


  • During the first few seconds: your heart rate will spike, and your breath may feel short
  • During the first minute: your circulation kicks into high gear, sending fresh oxygen throughout your body
  • After a few minutes: you’ll feel clear-headed and calm 
  • After you step out: you’ll feel energized and alter as you start to warm up 


If this process sounds invigorating to you, sign up for a cold plunge today.

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